Ex­cel­lent achieve­ments in TAF: Theresa Ahlers re­ceives UGO-Award

 |  Allgemeines

On the Day of Excellence 2022, the participants of the last Excellence Programme and the UGO-awardees were formally honoured. One receiver of the UGO award was Theresa Ahlers, who wrote her master thesis with Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi. In her master thesis, she examined the transparency of the insolvency process from German firms creditors’ perspective. The UGO award is granted by the Unternehmergruppe Ostwestfalen e.V. in cooperation with Paderborn University and is granted for excellent final theses of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. In addition, Tobias Jüttner (professorship Sureth-Sloane) and Elias Gelhard (professorship Ortmann) from the TAF Department were honored for their excellence papers.

The Excellence Programme enables students with above-average achievements to distinguish themselves through their first own research work. In addition to the exchange with each other, the participants also benefit from the mentoring support and close contact with the accompanying professorships. The aim is not only to consciously deal with challenging economic scientific problems and theory concepts but also to make new contacts.

The TAF department would like to congratulate Ms. Ahlers and other UGO-awardees as well as all Excellence Programme participants.