Ex­cel­lent achieve­ments in TAF

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„Es sind nicht die grossen Worte, die in der Gemeinschaft Grundsätzliches bewegen: es sind die vielen kleinen Taten der Einzelnen“ (Mildreed Scheel). This motto accompanied the participants of the “Excellence Program of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics” during their research work. For the past five years, the “Excellence Program” has been enabling students with above-average achievements to distinguish themselves through their first own research work. In addition to the exchange with each other, the participants also benefit from the mentoring support and close contact with the accompanying chairs. The aim is not only to consciously deal with challenging economic scientific problems and theory concepts but also to make new contacts.

On the “Day of Excellence”, twenty participants of the last “Excellence Program” were formally awarded their certificates. Seven of these students wrote their scientific work at chairs of the Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance (TAF). One of them is Carlo Raederscheidt, who worked with the Chair of Financial Accounting and Auditing and investigated non-financial reporting of German listed companies.

The Chair of Financial Accounting and Auditing (Prof. Kosi) would like to congratulate to Mr Raederscheidt and all other students.

Please click here for more impressions of the “Day of Excellence”.