Day of Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics 2021

 |  Allgemeines

On November 13, 2021, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics celebrated graduation of students from the Faculty’s different study programs. This year's program included a Graduation Journey, where the graduates could relive all phases of their studies. This journey included stops at the first parties, lectures and the semester abroad. At the end of the Graduation Journey, the graduates received their graduation certificates.

In the evening, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics invited to a gala dinner followed by a faculty party at Gut Lippesee. In addition to honorary awards and a speech by student representative, the evening program also included speeches by this year’s speakers, Dr. Yvonne Groening (CEO at myconsult GmbH/CEO at myndsoft GmbH) and Dr. Jens Peter Kempkes (Managing Director OPTANO GmbH).

We congratulate all graduates!