
Fi­nal Pitch Event for In­ter­na­tion­al Com­par­at­ive Man­age­ment Course

On July 10th, the final pitch event for the International Comparative Management course took place. A total of 25 students showcased their internationalization strategies for two Paderborn-based start-ups: coolnis and UFUNDI. 

The event was a resounding success, with the founders of coolnis and UFUNDI expressing their excitement and appreciation for the students' innovative ideas and thorough research. The students themselves were equally enthusiastic about the experience and enjoyed the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

One of the highlights of the event was the diversity of ideas presented. From market entry strategies to innovative marketing campaigns, each team brought a unique perspective, showcasing the breadth of their creativity and analytical skills. Hence, the final pitch event was not just an academic exercise but a vibrant, real-world application of international business strategies.