Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


Henceforth for the 2018/19 semester Prof. Haakes office hours will generally be on Mondays 9:00 to 10:00 am (starting on 26 November 2018). Please announce your visit by mail (mikro@wiwi.upb.de), giving your name and topic.

Mehr erfahren

The paper "Maintaining vs. Milking Good Reputation when Customer Feedback is Inaccurate" by Behnud Mir Djawadi, René Fahr, Claus-Jochen Haake and Sonja Recker has been published. Further information can be found in RIS. Further publications of the Chair of Microeconomics can be found in the section Research.

Mehr erfahren

The paper "The Generalized Nash Bargaining Solution for Transfer Price Negotiations under Incomplete Information" by Claus-Jochen Haake and Sonja Recker has been published. Further information can be found in RIS. Further publications of the Chair of Microeconomics can be found in the section Research.  

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