Lehr­preis für be­son­de­res En­ga­ge­ment in der Leh­re 2021

We are more than happy to announce that the Chair of Microeconomics has been awarded the "Lehrpreis für besonderes Engagement in der Lehre 2021" (Teaching award for special commitment in teaching 2021) for its efforts in digital teaching at the "Tag der Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2021". 

Our aim was to design our courses in a way that allows students to achieve success in their learning despite the pandemic. In cooperation with the faculty's student council, we created a concept that includes, among other things, new eLearning materials, direct contacts via video conference, clear weekly structures and online learning groups. The concept and the knowledge that we have developed did not only allow us to completely digitalize our teaching during the lockdown but are also valuable resource for post-pandemic teaching.

On top of that, there was another occasion for celebrating that evening. Shawna, our student assistant, has been awarded for getting the best degree in International Business Studies in her year. 

All in all, we would like to thank everybody who contributed to this special evening. We will continue to give our best in the semesters to come.