Si­mon Hoof pu­blis­hed the pa­per "Equi­li­bri­um Coali­ti­on Struc­tu­res of Dif­fe­ren­ti­al Ga­mes in Par­ti­ti­on Func­ti­on Form"

Simon Hoof published the paper "Equilibrium Coalition Structures of Differential Games in Partition Function Form" in the Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, vol 17.



The purpose of the paper is twofold: we show (i) how to compute a partition function for differential games and (ii) how to derive stable coalition structures. (i) The partition function assigns a worth to each coalition under a given coalition structure. Here we assume that for a given coalition structure the coalitions play a noncooperative game and the worth of a coalition is then the noncooperative equilibrium payoff. (ii) We define a stable coalition structure in terms of the equilibrium of Bloch’s (1996, Games and Economic Behavior 14) game of choice of coalition size. Finally, we consider a cake eating differential game and compute the equilibrium coalition structures for up to 800'000'000 agents.