Mem­ber In­tro­duc­ti­on: Se­bas­ti­an Ostrop

Even though we do not have any birthdays to announce at the moment, let us continue with our member introductions. This time, we will introduce Sebastian Ostrop who has been working as a student assistant at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2017.

Let's get to know him:

I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because…
...I developed a keen interest in economic topics during my studies and therefore took many courses offered by our chair. Through one of these courses I became aware of the position as a student assistant and saw this as a chance to earn money as well as to work on microeconomic issues and processes in addition to my studies.

In a typical day at work, my main tasks are…
...not fixed. I work where my help is needed at that moment. This can be, for example, assistance with research, work on the homepage or the revision of lectures and exercises.

With respect to research, my main interests include…
...more or less all areas of microeconomics. So far, I have found interesting questions in all subject areas.

What turned out to be the most difficult for me since working from home…
... is that the direct contact with the others at the chair is eliminated, although this is compensated for as much as possible by regular video conferences. (But for this the own internet line must be reliable.)

My most special experience since being part of our team is…
...The conference in September 2019 (although it was in Dortmund). In my opinion, we have done a lot of organizational things concerning the work at the chair in the following year during the three days and still had a lot of fun. Especially the legendary karaoke evening at the Happy-Happy-Ding-Dong will probably remain in my memory for a very long time.

In the future, I would like to achieve/work in…
...areas that interest me and perform tasks that give me pleasure and fun in my job every day.

Last but not least, my favourite movie is… Drive (2011) by Nicolas Winding Refn. A true masterpiece. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you do.