Mem­ber In­tro­duc­ti­on: Dr. Na­d­ja Stroh-Ma­raun


Recently successfully defending her PhD Thesis, we would now like to give you the chance to get to know Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun a little bit more. She has been employed as research assistant at the Chair of Microeconomics since 2013.

Let's get to know her:

I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because…
...I was and still am very interested in microeconomics and game theory. And the atmosphere at the chair is outstanding.

In a typical day at work, my main tasks are…
...This question is hard to answer. The tasks are manifold and highly diverse. On the one hand, we have all these teaching related tasks: Preparing lectures and exercises, helping students, teaching itself. On the other hand, we do research and try to find new insights. This includes scribbling notes, writing drafts, discussing your ideas with your co-workers and co-authors, and submitting working papers to journals.

With respect to research, my main interests include…
...I did my PhD in matching which is still my main research interest. But I also work on TU games and game theoretical aspects of reputation.

What turned out to be the most difficult for me since working from home…
…is working alone. Zoom and Skype are by no means perfect substitutes for personal interaction.

My most special experience since being part of our team is…
...I enjoy going to work (almost;-)) every day. I think, this is very special. But of course, there are a lot of amazing things that I have experienced over the last few years. I can give a recent example. I defended my thesis in April during lockdown. So, I was a little disappointed beforehand as I had planned a big party which was no longer possible. But my colleagues were amazing. They all were there via Zoom to celebrate with me and even surprised me with the traditional academic hat that they had made while social distancing with the help of mails and parcels.

In the future, I would like to achieve/work on…
....In the near future I hope that it is possible to continue our research on the behavior in matching markets. Thus, I hope for a reopening of the lab which is shut down due to the pandemic. Additionally, I am looking forward to working on neighborhood help.

Last but not least, my favorite sports club, movie/series, travel destination is…

Sports club: SC Paderborn 07, of course. I am a member of the club and have a season ticket (which I cannot use at the moment due to the pandemic, unfortunately).

Movie/series: That changes every month. At the moment, I highly recommend Hamilton (do we count that as a movie?). As all-time favorites I like Doctor Who, Star Wars (I totally recommend The Mandalorian) and Friends.

Travel Destination: I like to see different places all around the world. In general, if there is a beach and an ocean, I am happy. I also like city tours and would love to go back to “the greatest city in the world”, New York City.