Mem­ber In­tro­duc­ti­on: Alex­an­der Koch


In order to continue with our tradition, we will have his birthday as an occasion to introduce our student assistant Alexander Koch:

Let's get to know him:

I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because…
I was really interested in Microeconomics after my third semester, attending a module in that area. Then I decided to apply for a job at the Chair to get a closer insight into the topics.

In a typical day at work, my main tasks are…
There are no typical days with typical tasks. The tasks differ widely, from preparing/correcting lecture slides with Latex, doing some calculations for Claus-Jochen, discussing relevant topics with colleagues, doing research and so on.

With respect to research, my main interests include…
I'm not only interested in one specific topic of Microeconomics, at least not yet. Every topic has really interesting parts, like matching algorithms to solve complex assigning problems, finding “the best” coalitions for e.g. a parliament or understanding the structure of a bargaining problem.

What turned out to be the most difficult for me since working from home…
The most difficult thing is to make up a stable schedule for combining work and study, which I manage to follow in the end. Since there are no specific dates for visiting lectures/exercises, I'm tending to postpone tasks in the evening or future.

My most special experience since being part of our team is…
There are a lot of special experiences like the Christmas party in 2018, the annual visit of the Christmas market in Paderborn, the adventure of solving an exit room together or even the coffee breaks for having a chat with some colleagues.

In the future, I would like to achieve/work on…
I would like to stay at university in order to do a PHD.

Last but not least, my favourite sports club, movie/series, travel destination is…

I'm not that much interested in sports, so there is no favourite club, besides the Germany team during football world cup of course.

My favourite series is Scrubs (old but gold)

My favourite travel destination is Costa Rica. In the future I would really like to visit Africa for climbing the Kilimanjaro followed by relaxing on the islands of Zanzibar.