Cur­rent news about our team mem­bers


Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun has successfully received her PhD degree. Her paper Matching Strategies of Heterogeneous Agents under Incomplete Information in a University Clearinghouse written together with Dr. Britta Hoyer has lately been published in the journal Games and Economic Behavior.


Simon Hoof has recently submitted his thesis "Essays on Cooperation in Differential Games" where he investigates the stability of cooperative agreements in dynamic games. Objects of his studies are pure bargaining games as well as games in parition function form. He characterizes bargaining solutions that satisfy time consistency  and subgame individually rationality. Concerning differential games in partition function form he is mainly interested in the endogenous formation of coalitions. Chapters of the thesis were published or are accepted for publication in the Journal of Dynamics and Games, the International Game Theory Review, the Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design and the Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games. As a research assistant, he is responsible for the exercises of the courses Game Theory and Auctions, Incentives, Matchings.


Sarah Kühn has been employed as a research assistant and doing her doctorate at the Chair of Microeconomics since April 2020. She is mainly responsible for the exercises of the newly established master course Advanced Game Theory. Her research interest revolves around the topic of "(In)compatibilities in Matching Mechanisms".


Shawna Masalsky joined our team as a student assistant.


We will introduce our team members and daily work in more detail on our twitter page. If you would like to get to know us better, you can find us on:

Thesis defense of Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun
Thesis defense of Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun
Simon Hoof submitting his thesis
Simon Hoof submitting his thesis
Our new research assistant Sarah Kühn
Our new research assistant Sarah Kühn
Our new student assistant Shawna Masalsky
Our new student assistant Shawna Masalsky