Con­fe­rence on Eco­no­mic De­sign 2015

 |  Forschung - Research

Sonja Brangewitz and Claus-Jochen Haake contributed to the "2015 Conference on Economic Design" that took place from July 1 to July 4 at Bilgi University in Istanbul. Among the keynote speakers was Prof. Eric Maskin, Nobel laureate from 2007. Dr. Brangewitz presented her work on "Quality Choices and Reputation Systems in Online Markets – An Experimental Study" while Prof. Haake's presentaton was titled "Strategic Network Formation of Customer Relationships".
In an invited session on "Computational and Experimental Decision Making", organized by Prof. Haake, four young researchers from the Economics and Computer Science departments gave talks on their current work within the Collaborative Research Group 901. In sum, there were nine research presentations from the University of Paderborn at the conference.