
In­spi­ring vi­sit by Mi­cha­el Fre­se

 |  International Management

We were honored to host Michael Frese at the Professorship of International Management at Universität Paderborn.

Michael delivered an inspiring talk on the potential of entrepreneurship research in Africa, highlighting methodological advantages such as reduced selection biases and sharing insights from his extensive longitudinal and experimental studies. He also participated in insightful discussions with our faculty members. We gained invaluable insights—particularly for the upcoming Highdigenous Live! Festival at Paderborn University, which will foster exchanges regarding Mali and the Sahel region.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to advance our collaboration on the EPICS project, exploring innovation in Asia—a project that began in Singapore several years ago. We are excited to welcome Bruno as a new team member in this endeavor.

Michael’s visit sparked new ideas and enthusiasm among us. Thank you for coming, Michael!