Mi­croe­co­nom­ic Chair on Tour

This summer several members of the Chair of Microeconomics presented their research on the following international conferences:

At the 24th Coalition Theory Network (CTN) Workshop at Aix-Marseille University in France from the May 16 – 17 the participants discussed research in the area of network theory and coalition formation. They enjoyed the inspiring conversations about new ideas.

The Conference on Economic Design (CED) took place in Budapest, Hungary from June 12-14. Besides presenting and discussing current research results in i.a. matching, auctions, social choice and organ exchange, the participants were able to gain new research ideas during professional and social exchanges. Additionally, attending the Summer School on the Engineering Aspects of Economic Design: Voting and Matching was part of the program.

The 6th Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory in Business Practice in Leipzig from the June 20 – 21 was visited. The participants presented their recent results on cooperative game theory and had in-depth discussions about the application of theory to business practice.

From July 2 - 4 the SING15, the 15th European Meeting on Game Theory, was held in Turku, Finland. All areas of game theory were included in the conference, i.a. Cooperative Games, Mechanism Design and Bargaining. The participants had the pleasure of presenting their own research results and listening to several other talks in the field of Game Theory.

In Ischia, Italy, current research results were presented and discussed at the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) Conference from June 30 – July 6. Its focus lied in the area of economics, mathematics and game theory. The aim was to promote own work and the Paderborn University as a research center.


Papatya Duman presented the paper On the Decomposability of the Nash Bargaining Solution: An Application to Labor Markets at the CED and SAET conference as well as the Cooperative Game Theory Workshop in Leipzig.

Claus-Jochen Haake presented the paper On Axiomatic Unification of Solutions to the Bargaining Problem: An n-Person Update at the SAET conference. In addition, he co-chaired a session on Bargaining at this conference.

Simon Hoof presented the paper Linear-state differential games in partition function form at the CTN and CED conference. He further presented the paper Cooperative dynamic cake eating with asymmetric discounting at the SAET conference.

Student assistant Sarah Kühn participated at the CED Summer School on Matching and attended the CED conference. 

Thomas Streck presented the paper Accounting for asymmetric bargaining power in automated negotiation processes - a procedural approach at the SING conference.

Nadja Stroh-Maraun presented the paper Efficiency in Weighted School Choice Problems at the CED and SING conference.

Britta Hoyer from the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy presented the paper Stability in Weighted College Admissions Problems at the CED and the SING conference.


(from left to right) Claus-Jochen Haake, Simon Hoof, Papatya Duman at the SAET in Ischia
(from left to right) Claus-Jochen Haake, Simon Hoof, Papatya Duman at the SAET in Ischia
(from left to right) Thomas Streck, Nadja Stroh-Maraun and Britta Hoyer at the SING in Turku
(from left to right) Thomas Streck, Nadja Stroh-Maraun and Britta Hoyer at the SING in Turku
(from left to right) Sarah Kühn, Britta Hoyer and Nadja Stroh-Maraun at the CED in Budapest
(from left to right) Sarah Kühn, Britta Hoyer and Nadja Stroh-Maraun at the CED in Budapest