Mem­ber In­tro­duc­tion: Sarah Kühn

On the occasion of her birthday, we are starting our member introduction series with Sarah Kühn. She has been employed as a research assistant and doing her doctorate at the Chair of Microeconomics since April 2020. She is mainly responsible for the exercises of the newly established master course Advanced Game Theory.

Let's get to know her:

I decided to work at the Chair of Microeconomics because…
... of my strong interest in the topic and my great colleagues.

In a typical day at work, my main tasks are ...
... the preparation of exercises as well as the continuation of my research.

With respect to research, my main interests include ...
... Matching Mechanisms in the neighbourly help market and the effects of incompatibilities.

What turned out to be the most difficult for me since working from home ...
... is the missing contact to my colleagues: The small information you get on the corridor and the lunch breaks that would be spend together.

My most special experience since being part of our team is ...
... the feeling of being a team even though we do not work at the same location right now.

In the future, I would like to achieve ...
... a mechanism that matches and that encourages people to help each other.

My favourite destination where I have been so far...
... is Laos, a country full of kind people and beautiful nature.

Last but not least, a question of utmost importance for our soccer fans at the Chair of Microeconomics:

My favourite sports club is...
... MSV Duisburg.