29th Jer­u­s­alem Sum­mer­school

From 26.06. - 05.07.2018 Simon Hoof and Thomas Streck took part at the 29th Jerusalem Summer School of Economics concerning Industrial Organization.

The Summer School took place at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The focus was on theoretical and empirical work and in addition, there was space for applications using matching theory. In the course of the CRC research unit (SFB901:  On-The-Fly Computing), Simon and Thomas shared their recent findings in a well attended poster session. Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin, Mike Whinston or Parag Pathak were famous participants at this event.

Besides this professional exchange, there was obviously time for social activities as sightseeing in the Old City of Jerusalem and a trip to Masada and the Dead Sea.