
Vor­trag von Pro­fes­sor José Be­ni­tez zum The­ma "How to work and de­ve­lop im­pact­ful re­sea­rch? My re­sea­rch in­te­rests, in­gre­dients, and an il­lus­tra­ti­on".

Gastvortrag von Professor José Benitez

Professor José Benitez, der an der Kent State University (USA) den Lehrstuhl für Information Systems and Business Analytics innehat, besucht uns in Paderborn! Sein Forschungsinteresse gilt den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Unternehmen und Individuen sowie der Entwicklung von Theorien und quantitativen Forschungsmethoden in der IS-Forschung. Er publiziert in vielen hochrangigen IS-Journals und hält einen Vortrag am Dienstag, den 19.03., zum Thema "How to work and develop impactful research? My research interests, ingredients, and an illustration".

Der Vortrag findet in Raum Q3.245 von 16 bis 18 Uhr statt. Wer Interesse am Vortrag hat, meldet sich bitte bei Jana Driller am Lehrstuhl von Professor Simon Trang.

Title of the talk: "How to work and develop impactful research? My research interests, ingredients, and an illustration".



In this talk, I aim to present my primary and secondary research interests with an illustration of a paper already published per area. This will enable scholars and students, potentially interested, to see opportunities for future joint research. After that, I will present some of the ingredients a high-quality research project should aim to have according to current expectations from top-tier journals in Information Systems and other Business Administration disciplines. I will conclude by presenting a work-in-progress paper in an advanced round of review in a top-tier journal.


Author's bio:

Jose Benitez is a Professor of Information Systems (IS), Department Chair of Information Systems and Business Analytics, and the Bridgestone Endowed Chair in International Business at the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA. His research interests cover the impact of digitalization on companies and individuals and the development of theory and quantitative research methods in IS research. His research has been published in about 55 papers in leading journals including MIS QuarterlyInformation Systems ResearchJournal of Operations ManagementJournal of Management Information SystemsJournal of the Association for Information SystemsEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Information Technology,Information & ManagementDecision Support SystemsDecision Sciences, and Journal of Business Research. Jose was recognized as an Association for Information Systems (AIS) Distinguished Member Cum Laude in July 2021 and received the AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award in December 2022. He currently serves as a Senior Editor of the European Journal of Information SystemsInformation & Management, and Decision Support Systems and as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He also serves as an Editorial Review Board member for Information Systems Research. In addition, Jose has served as a Guest Editor of Decision Sciences. His teaching interests and instructional expertise cover managing digital business transformation, digital innovation, the business value of digital technologies, IT management, IT strategy, theory development, and quantitative research methods in IS research at graduate and undergraduate levels. Jose is a passionate speaker who enjoys working with students, colleagues, and executives to positively impact the business world and society. He has also provided consulting services and worked on IT development and digital transformation projects with many leading companies worldwide. Jose can be contacted at