
Ar­tic­le "Par­al­lel Branch-and-Price Al­go­rithms for the Sin­gle Ma­chi­ne To­tal Weigh­ted Tar­di­ness Sche­du­ling Pro­blem with Se­quence-De­pen­dent Se­t­up Ti­mes" Ac­­cep­ted for Pu­b­li­­ca­ti­on in Com­pu­ters & Ope­ra­ti­ons Re­sea­rch (El­­se­vier)

 |  Department 3: WirtschaftsinformatikWirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Operations ResearchPublikationenAllgemeinForschung - Research

The article "Parallel Branch-and-Price Algorithms for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times" by Philipp Speckenmeyer, Constanze Hilmer, Gerhard Rauchecker, and Guido Schryen was accepted for publication in Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier).



Scheduling problems occur in a broad range of real-world application fields and have attracted a huge set of research articles. However, there is only little research on exact algorithms for scheduling problems, many of which are NP-hard in the strong sense. We investigate the problem on a single machine with a total weighted tardiness objective function and sequence-dependent setup times. First, we adopt a serial branch-and-bound algorithm from the literature and present a modified branching strategy and a primal heuristic. Second, we use the potential of parallel computing architectures by presenting two parallel versions of the branch-and-price algorithm. Third, we conduct extensive computational experiments to show that our parallelization approaches provide substantial parallel speedups on well-known benchmark instances from the literature. We further observe that the parallel speedups achieved by our parallel algorithms are very robust among all tested instances.


A pre-print is available on RIS (UPB).
