Dis­kus­si­on: Ben­ja­min Oß­wald: Dis­kus­si­on des Bei­trags: To­wards the Mea­su­re­ment of Tax Com­ple­xi­ty: Ex­perts’ Per­cep­ti­ons from 108 Coun­tries von Tho­mas Hop­pe, De­bo­rah Schanz, Su­sann Sturm und Caren Su­reth-Slo­a­ne, 3rd Doc­to­ral Re­sea­rch Se­mi­nar, WU Wien

 |  Forschung - Research

Oßwald, Benjamin:  Diskussion des Beitrags: Towards the Measurement of Tax Complexity: Experts’ Perceptions from 108 Countries von Thomas Hoppe, Deborah Schanz, Susann Sturm und Caren Sureth-Sloane, 3rd Doctoral Research Seminar at Vienna University of Economics and Business, WU Wien.