
Vor­trag von Da­vid God­sell am 19. Ju­ni 2018 an der Uni­ver­si­tät Pa­der­born

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<link https: wiwi.uni-paderborn.de forschung forschungszentren center-for-tax-and-accounting-research seminars taf-research-seminar>TAF Research Seminar, David Godsell

Im Rahmen des TAF Research Seminars am 19. Juni 2018 präsentierte  <link https: business.illinois.edu profile david-godsell>David Godsell (Gies College of Business, Illinois) eines seiner aktuellen Forschungspapiere im Raum Q5.245 zum Thema:

"Does the Threat of Takeover Discipline Managers? New Evidence from the Foreign Investment and National Security Act"

David Godsell ist seit Juni 2017 Assistant Professor an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business. Von August 2015 bis Juni 2017 war er als Assistant Professor an der Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pamplin College of Business, Blacksburg (USA) tätig. Seinen Doktortitel erlangte er 2015 an der <link https: ca.linkedin.com company>Queen's School of Business, Kingston (Kanada).

David Godsell erlangte einen Master of Business Administration und einen Master of Science in Management. Zudem hat er einen Abschluss als CMA (Certified Management Accountant) und CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Er erhielt u.a. zwei Promotionspreise und ein Forschungsstipendium.

Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Externes Rechnungswesen, Internationale Rechnungslegung, Earnings Quality und Regulierung.

Seine zuletzt erschienenen Publikationen sind:

·         Calluzzo, P., Dong, N., Godsell, D. (2017). Sovereign wealth fund investments and the U.S. political process in: <link https: business.illinois.edu profile journals-jibs _blank>Journal of International Business Studies, 48: S. 222-243

·         Godsell, D., Welker, M., Zhang, N. (2017). Earnings management during antidumping investigations in Europe: Sample-wide and cross-sectional evidence in: <link https: business.illinois.edu profile journals-jaccre _blank>Journal of Accounting Research, 55: S. 407-457

Zu seinen Working Papers gehören:

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D. (2017). Local visibility shocks to war profiteers: New tests of the political cost hypothesis.

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D. (2017). The role of monitoring and control in the public sector: Evidence from budget slack.

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D., Jha, A., Kalencia, M., Smith, J. (2017). Local political corruption and earnings management.

·         Flagmeier, V., Downes, J., Godsell, D. (2017). Product market effects of IFRS adoption.

·         Godsell, D. (2017). Does the threat of foreign takeover discipline managers? New earnings quality evidence from the Foreign Investment and National Security Act.

·         Godsell, D. (2017). Are sovereign wealth funds distracted monitors? Evidence from earnings quality.

·         Godsell, D., Lel, U., Miller, D. (2017). Financial protectionism, takeover activity, and shareholder wealth.

·         Godsell, D., Welker, M., Zhang, N. (2017). The market valuation of managed earnings in a regulatory setting with learning opportunities.

·         Godsell, D., Xu, J. (2017). Sovereign wealth funds and executive compensation.



At the TAF Research Seminar on June 19, 2018 <link https: business.illinois.edu profile david-godsell>David Godsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, USA) presented his current research with the title:

"Does the Threat of Takeover Discipline Managers? New Evidence from the Foreign Investment and National Security Act"

David Godsell is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Business (USA) since June 2017. From August 2015 until June 2017 he worked as an assistant professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pamplin College of Business, Blacksburg (USA). He received his doctoral degree at the
<link https: ca.linkedin.com company>Queen's School of Business, Kingston (Canada).

David Godsell gained a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Management. Furthermore, he also holds a degree as a CMA (Certified Management Accountant) and as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). He received i.a. two promotion awards and one research fellowship.

His research interests include financial accounting, international accounting, earnings quality and regulation.

His recent publications are:

·         Calluzzo, P., Dong, N., Godsell, D. (2017). Sovereign wealth fund investments and the U.S. political process. <link https: business.illinois.edu profile journals-jibs _blank>Journal of International Business Studies, 48: S. 222-243

·         Godsell, D., Welker, M., Zhang, N. (2017). Earnings management during antidumping investigations in Europe: Sample-wide and cross-sectional evidence. <link https: business.illinois.edu profile journals-jaccre _blank>Journal of Accounting Research, 55: S. 407-457

His working papers include:

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D. (2017). Local visibility shocks to war profiteers: New tests of the political cost hypothesis.

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D. (2017). The role of monitoring and control in the public sector: Evidence from budget slack.

·         Boland, M., Godsell, D., Jha, A., Kalencia, M., Smith, J. (2017). Local political corruption and earnings management.

·         Flagmeier, V., Downes, J., Godsell, D. (2017). Product market effects of IFRS adoption.

·         Godsell, D. (2017). Does the threat of foreign takeover discipline managers? New earnings quality evidence from the Foreign Investment and National Security Act.

·         Godsell, D. (2017). Are sovereign wealth funds distracted monitors? Evidence from earnings quality.

·         Godsell, D., Lel, U., Miller, D. (2017). Financial protectionism, takeover activity, and shareholder wealth.

·         Godsell, D., Welker, M., Zhang, N. (2017). The market valuation of managed earnings in a regulatory setting with learning opportunities.

·         Godsell, D., Xu, J. (2017). Sovereign wealth funds and executive compensation.