Nach­rich­ten (Lis­ten-Va­ri­a­n­te)

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on: Ben­ja­min Oß­wald, Caren Su­reth-Slo­a­ne: Ta­xes, Coun­try Risk, and Cor­po­ra­te Risk-Ta­king, Na­ti­o­nal Tax As­so­cia­ti­on's An­nu­al Con­fe­rence on Ta­xa­ti­on, Phil­adel­phia, USA

 |  Lehre

On November 9th, Benjamin Oßwald and Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane hold the presentation "Taxes, Country Risk, and Corporate Risk-Taking" at the National Tax Association's Annual Conference on Taxation in Philadelphia, USA.