Nach­rich­ten (Lis­ten-Va­ri­a­n­te)

Doc­to­ral Cour­se "Wri­ting and Re­view­ing TAF Re­sea­rch" held by Prof. Dr. Caren Su­reth-Slo­a­ne and Prof. Dr. Jens Mül­ler in Fe­brua­ry 2018

 |  Lehre

Within the module "Writing and Reviewing TAF Research" held by Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane and Prof. Dr. Jens Müller, empirical and analytical papers are examined with regard to their evaluation process. The aim for the participants is to become acquainted with the examination of a paper step by step, to recognize critical points themselves and to gain an overview of evaluation processes. The doctoral course takes place on three dates between the 1st and 13th February 2018.