Professor Milad Mirbabaie's recent publication deals with the usage of Clickbait to make people click on a linked article that is commonly used on social media. Therefore they analyzed the impact of clickbait on user interaction on Facebook in the form of liking, sharing and commenting. Together with his co-authors he revealed that certain features (e.g., unusual punctuation and common clickbait phrases) increase user interaction, whereas others…
Professor Milad Mirbabaie's recent publication analyzes the landscape of design-oriented GIS research. Green IS (GIS) research addresses environmental challenges brought on by climate change and the need to preserve the natural environment. Within this scope, design-oriented research, most notably within the Design Science Research (DSR) community, aims to provide solutions to these environmental challenges in the form of novel artifacts. The…
Professor Mirbabaie and colleagues address in a recent publication the differences in the perception of trust in human and virtual influencers. Influencers in social media are often perceived as a trusted source for many people which is why companies increasingly promote their products through them. However, influencers can also cause reputational damage for a brand. Virtual (computer-generated) influencers can be used to minimize these risks and…
Zur Unterstützung der Juniorprofessur Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Digital Society, suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Ausschreibung. Wenn wir Ihr Interesse wecken konnten, bewerben Sie sich gerne bei uns per Email.