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Re­cent pu­bli­ca­ti­ons – What im­pacts lear­ning ef­fec­tiven­ess of a mo­bi­le lear­ning app fo­cu­sed on first-year stu­dents?

 |  Forschung - Research

Transitioning from school to university can be challenging as it requires first-year students to integrate into a new environment, organise themselves and deal with more responsibility. Presumably, lacking self-organisation and self-responsibility is connected to most premature dropouts occurring in this so-called “transition-in” phase. Considering these problems, there is a mobile app to tackle insufficient student experiences, support learning strategies, and foster self-organisation during this crucial phase of the student lifecycle. In this research paper, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues propose a generalisable success model for mobile apps focusing on first-year students. This model is based on the IS success model (Delone & McLean, 1992) and analyses what influences student satisfaction, their intention to reuse the app and students’ learning effectiveness. Their results indicate that user satisfaction, intention to reuse an app, perceived enjoyment, and system and information quality influence the students’ learning effectiveness. On this basis, they derived design principles for developing similar mobile solutions.

Johannsen, F., Knipp, M., Loy, T., Mirbabaie, M., Möllmann, N. R. J., Voshaar, J. & Zimmermann, J. (2023). What impacts learning effectiveness of a mobile learning app focused on first-year students?. Inf Syst E-Bus Manage.