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Re­cent pu­bli­ca­ti­ons – CY­LENCE: Stra­te­gies and Tools for Cross-Me­dia Re­por­ting, De­tec­ti­on, and Tre­at­ment of Cy­ber­bul­ly­ing and Ha­te­s­peech in Law En­for­ce­ment Agen­cies

 |  Forschung - Research

While private and professional spaces benefit immensely from social media and the opportunities it creates, social media also paves the way for cyber abuse, such as cyberbullying and hate speech. To enhance the preventive and reactive capabilities against this, many countries and organisations deploy Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA). However, with the increasing amount and the varying quality of information disseminated into public channels, their tasks become increasingly complex. Thus, in this paper, Professor Mirbabaie and his colleagues adopt the perspectives of Crisis Informatics and safety-critical Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Here, they first outline the research agenda of the CYLENCE project, and second, they identify and elaborate on seven research challenges regarding the monitoring, analysis, and communication of cyber abuse in LEAs.


Kaufhold, M.-A., Bayer, M., Bäumler, J., Reuter, C., Stieglitz, S., Basyurt, A. S., Mirbabaie, M., Fuchß, C. & Eyilmez, K. (2023). CYLENCE: Strategies and Tools for Cross-Media Reporting, Detection, and Treatment of Cyberbullying and Hatespeech in Law Enforcement Agencies. Mensch und Computer 2023, Rapperswil (SG).