Professor Mirbabaie addresses in a recent publication the use of social platforms such as Twitter to seek and disseminate crisis-related information. In this context, it is particularly noticeable that sense-making and decision-making processes are increasingly interrupted by contradictory cues such as rumors. Within a case study, the authors seek to understand how sense-making, i.e., rumor-supporting and rumor-correcting, messages influence the spread of rumors and how different user archetypes contribute to this process. The core of the study is the riots in Chemnitz 2018 and the related Twitter communication.
Mirbabaie, M., Marx, J., & Reimann, A. (2021). Rumour Correction in Social Media Crisis Communication: A Case of Connective Sense-Breaking. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 13(4), pp. 1-30.