Ak­tu­el­le Nach­rich­ten

Re­cap: Ex­pe­di­ti­on Wis­sen­schaft - Spie­len Sie mit? (Sa­tur­day, 14.08.2021)

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the "Expedition Wissenschaft" a full success. The workshop was well received by both young and old. We had a lot of fun playing games, conveying concepts from the field of game theory as well as simply exchanging ideas and opinions with participants of our workshop.

Here you can find the recap from the Paderborn University.
Here you can find the solution for the games that were played during the workshop.


Original announcement:

The "Expedition Wissenschaft" takes place this weekend, from August 12th to 14th. You will find many interactive events for all ages which allow visitors to experience various topics and research areas live.

We are inviting you to participate in the workshop "Spielen Sie mit?" (Saturday, August 14th) which offers various games to get an insight into the field of Game Theory. At several stations you take on the roles of ice cream sellers, pirates, bidders at an auction, heirs of a millionaire or candidates for a game show and play with or against each other.

Ready to play? Then please register at: https://www.paderborn.de/microsite/expedition_wissenschaft/programm/index.php


Die "Expedition Wissenschaft" findet dieses Wochenende vom 12. bis 14. August statt. Hier finden Sie viele interaktive Veranstaltungen für Groß und Klein, die es den Besuchern ermöglichen, verschiedene Themen und Forschungsbereiche live zu erleben.

Wir laden Sie ein, am Workshop "Spielen mit?" (Samstag, 14. August) teilzunehmen, welcher verschiedene Spiele anbietet, um einen Einblick in die Spieltheorie zu bekommen. An mehreren Stationen schlüpfen Sie in die Rollen von Eisverkäufern, Piraten, Bietern bei einer Auktion, Erben eines Millionärs oder Kandidaten einer Game-Show und spielen mit oder gegeneinander.

Bereit zu spielen? Dann registrieren Sie sich bitte unter: https://www.paderborn.de/microsite/expedition_wissenschaft/programm/index.php