Economics knows no borders

The Department of Economics stands for internationality on many levels: in our course content on global markets, multinational companies and international organisations, with our students and lecturers from all over the world and through our internationally relevant research.

„Our aim is to equip national and international students for the economic challenges and to publish our research findings in international journals.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries,
Department spokesperson

Latest News


Vor­trag auf der AFE Kon­fer­enz an der LSE

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In­ter­view im IHK-Magazin zur Zusammen­arbeit von Wis­senschaft und Prax­is in Trans­form­a­tion­sprozessen

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New Book: Ideo­logy and the Mi­cro­found­a­tions of Con­flict- From Hu­man Needs to In­ter­group Vi­ol­ence

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New Book: Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Eco­nom­ic Per­spect­ives and Mod­els

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Vorträge auf der Jahresta­gung der European As­so­ci­ation of En­vir­on­ment­al and Re­source Eco­nom­ists (EAERE)

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Neu­es For­schung­s­zen­trum für Nach­hal­tig­keit an der Uni­ver­­si­tät Pa­der­­born

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Neue Ver­öf­fent­lichung in In­ter­na­tion­al Game The­ory Re­view

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In Geden­ken an Jan Kuku­lenz

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in winter term 2024/25

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Vor­trag bei der AURÖ Jahresta­gung des VfS

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Her­vor­ra­gende Leis­tun­gen in den Mod­u­len des ver­gan­gen­en Win­tersemesters aus­gezeich­net

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Neue Pub­lika­tion in Land Eco­nom­ics

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Vor­trag beim AURÖ Nachwuchs­work­shop des VfS

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Tem­polim­its in Deutsch­land: Evid­en­zbasierte Diskus­sion drin­gend nötig

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DLF-In­ter­view: Tem­polim­it - gibt es eine Forschungslücke?

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International research

We offer fundamental and internationally high-quality research in the fields of economics, international economics and econometrics and focus on socially relevant issues based on the latest scientific methods and high-quality research data.

Re­search pro­jects

The members of the department contribute their expertise to larger research networks as well as to work on relevant, more specific issues. Our collaborations transcend faculty and university boundaries.


Within the department, we create a lively scientific exchange through joint research projects or cross-chair semi
exchange - a good basis for publishing our results in high-ranking journals.

Re­search fo­cus

Our research focuses on four main topics: Globalisation and Global Markets, Cooperation and Competition, Data Science in Economics, Sustainable and Inclusive Development.

Mitarbeitende präsentiert Tafelbild.

Re­search Centre Cen­ter for In­ter­na­tion­al Eco­nom­ics (CIE)

The CIE stands for independent and well-founded economic research of high quality and political relevance. With their research topics, the academics cover a broad spectrum of economic and international economic issues, both at the macro and micro level.

to the research centre

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects.

Job advertisements

Study & Teaching

In teaching, the department organises the "International Economics and Management" course, which can be studied in English and provides students from many different countries with the relevant specialist knowledge of economic processes and methodological skills that equip them for the regional, national and international labour market.

Employees of Paderborn University in lecture hall G.

Study and teaching program at the Department Economics

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M. Sc. International Economics and Management

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Get in touch with us!

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries

Makroökonomik, Internationale Wachstums- und Konjunkturtheorie

Room Q4.146
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Thursday 13:00-14:00