News from the Chair of Mi­croe­co­nom­ics

Here you can find news from the Chair of Microeconomics.


Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our long-time colleague and friend Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun last week. After spending several years in academia, her path is now leading her to a job outside of university. We wish her the very best for her new job and hope to see her as often as possible! 

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We are excited to share the following news: Today, Dr. Lukas Block successfully defended his thesis on „Energy Transition Games - Lobbyism, Networks, and Competition“. Congratulations!

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From July 18 to 21, our chair member Sarah Kühn participated at the 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory in the United States. It was a pleasure to discuss current research ideas in matching and game theory with fellow researchers from all over the world. In the course of the CRC research unit (SFB901:  On-The-Fly Computing), Sarah presented and discussed her recent research findings. Nobel Laureate Robert Aumann, Nobel…

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