TRR 266/TAF Re­sea­rch Se­mi­nar: Rü­di­ger Hahn: Ven­ture Ca­pi­tal Fun­ding in the Af­ri­can Con­text: A Mi­xed-Me­thod Stu­dy of Evol­ving Eco­sys­tems and Fi­nan­ci­al Dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on

Ort: Q 5.245

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar

On January 28, 2025, Rüdiger Hahn (HHU Düsseldorf) will present the paper "Venture Capital Funding in the African Context: A Mixed-Method Study of Evolving Ecosystems and Financial Discrimination " at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

The Prep course will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in room Q5.245.