ACIS 2021.

We are pleased to announce that Professor Mirbabaie has published two papers together with his co-authors in the proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (2021). They address in the first paper "Designing a Social Media Analytics Dashboard for Government Agency Crisis Communications" the usage of Social Media as a mouthpiece  for Government agencies in times of crisis. It has been shown that Social Media have become a…

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Stel­lenaus­s­chreibung: zwei Stu­dentische Hil­f­skräfte im Bereich Wirtschaftsin­form­atik, insb. Di­git­al So­ci­ety ge­sucht!

Zur Unterstützung der Juniorprofessur Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Digital Society, suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zwei neue Studentische Hilfskräfte für unser Team. Der Umfang der Beschäftigung beschränkt sich auf 9 Stunden die Woche. Wenn wir dein Interesse wecken konnten, melde dich gerne bei uns per Email, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. 

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Re­cent pub­lic­a­tions.

Professor Mirbabaie addresses in a recent publication the usage of AI in enterprises, which is necessary to foster collaboration within human-machine teams and assist employees with work-related tasks. Together with his co-authors he revealed that introducing AI may negatively impact employees’ identifications with their jobs as AI is expected to fundamentally change workplaces and professions, feeding into individuals’ fears of being replaced.…

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