Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Wirt­schafts­in­for­ma­tik, insb. Ope­ra­ti­ons Re­sea­rch

The ar­tic­le „ A two-le­vel ap­proach for mul­ti-ob­jec­ti­ve fle­xi­ble job shop sche­du­ling and ener­gy pro­cu­re­ment“ ac­cep­ted for…

The article „ A two-level approach for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling and energy procurement“ by Sascha Burmeister (Paderborn University), Daniela Guericke (University of Twente) and Guido Schryen (Paderborn University) was accepted for publication in Cleaner Energy Systems (Elsevier). Abstract: Dynamic energy tariffs in combination with energy storage systems (ESS) and renewable energy sources (RES) offer manufacturers new…

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The ar­tic­le „A Me­me­tic NS­GA-III for Green Fle­xi­ble Pro­duc­ti­on with Re­al-Time Ener­gy Costs & Emis­si­ons“ ac­cep­ted for Pu­bli­ca­ti­on in…

The article „A Memetic NSGA-III for Green Flexible Production with Real-Time Energy Costs & Emissions“ by Sascha Burmeister was accepted for publication in Croatian Operational Research Review (Croatian Operational Research Society). Abstract: The use of renewable energies strengthens decarbonization strategies. To integrate volatile renewable sources, energy systems require grid expansion, storage capabilities, or flexible consumption. This…

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Ar­tic­le "Ex­plo­ring the Scope of Ge­ne­ra­ti­ve AI in Li­te­ra­ture Re­view De­ve­lop­ment" ac­cep­ted for Pu­bli­ca­ti­on in Elec­tro­nic Mar­kets

The article "Exploring the Scope of Generative AI in Literature Review Development" by  Guido Schryen (University Paderborn), Mauricio Marrone (Macquarie University, Australia) and Jack Yang (Macquarie University, Australia) was accepted for Publication in Electronic Markets (Springer). Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the way research is conducted, particularly through generative AI (GenAI) tools which can…

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Ar­tic­le "Par­al­lel Branch-and-Price Al­go­rithms for the Sin­gle Ma­chi­ne To­tal Weigh­ted Tar­di­ness Sche­du­ling Pro­blem with…

The article "Parallel Branch-and-Price Algorithms for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times" by Philipp Speckenmeyer, Constanze Hilmer, Gerhard Rauchecker, and Guido Schryen was accepted for publication in Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier). Abstract: Scheduling problems occur in a broad range of real-world application fields and have attracted a huge set of research…

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Ver­lei­hung des GOR-Ba­che­lor­prei­ses 2023 an Pas­cal Ap­pel­baum

Am 29. Mai 2024 wurde Pascal Appelbaum mit dem GOR-Bachelorpreis der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e. V. (GOR) für seine Abschlussarbeit „Location Routing Problem mit Fokus auf Hub-Allokationen in der Transportlogistik“ ausgezeichnet.

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20.01.2025 - 20.01.2025

Gast­vor­trag zum The­ma "Agi­le Soft­wa­re­ent­wick­lung in der Pra­xis"

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15.01.2025 - 15.01.2025

Gast­vor­le­sung von Jür­gen Br­en­nig (IT Busi­ness So­lu­ti­ons) im Mo­dul "Grund­la­gen Be­trieb­li­cher In­for­ma­ti­ons­sys­te­me"

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11.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Gast­vor­le­sung von Chris­ti­an Kipp und Aa­ron Hoff­mann (cro­nos) im Mo­dul "Grund­la­gen Be­trieb­li­cher In­for­ma­ti­ons­sys­te­me"

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04.12.2024 - 04.12.2024

Gast­vor­le­sung von Dr. In­go Erd­mann (Com­pri­on) im Mo­dul "Grund­la­gen Be­trieb­li­cher In­for­ma­ti­ons­sys­te­me"

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28.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Gast­vor­trag zum The­ma "From phy­si­cal to di­gi­tal - Ein­bli­cke in die Ent­wick­lung in­no­va­ti­ver, nutzer­zen­trier­ter In­no­va­ti­o­nen und…

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